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Talk about the importance of measuring system of concrete mixing station

2016-09-09 17:45:56

    The measurement system of concrete mixing station general reflected on the water, cement, additive as well as the application of measurement.Accuracy and stable metering system determines the quality of concrete production.Static accuracy can't meet the requirements, the key lies in the dynamic measurement accuracy and fall computer for data capture.
    In the process of producing concrete mixing station, to the production strictly according to the mixture ratio, and no lab test personnel written instructions, anyone is allowed increase or decrease in raw material, additive and water consumption.Depending on the state of concrete mixing time, without the consent of the test personnel shall not be casually.In production, we should closely observe measurement is accurate, in excess of the prescribed error should timely adjust the gap.All measurement in light, should be in minimum range.Measurement system in other anomalies must report immediately to deal with.
