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What Are the Daily Inspections of Concrete Mixer?

2012-12-20 15:55:03

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What are the daily inspections of the concrete mixer?
Here we call the daily inspection of the concrete mixer "trilogy". What is "trilogy"? Simple in terms of the daily inspection of concrete mixer before the class, in the class and after class, "three inspection system" examination content.
A. The daily work should be checked whether there are obstacles in the environment and machinery of the machine shed, check the wire rope, clutch, brakes and safety devices should be sensitive and reliable track pulley is good and normal, smooth body, confirmation before closing test after 2 to 3 minutes of running, roller garland smooth rotation, do not beat, no deviation, no abnormal noise, before formal operation.
B. In the class the driver may not be arbitrarily leaves his post, should be readily observed irregularities or unusual sound, should blender garland memory material released the downtime power to inspect repairs.
C. After class machinery inside and outside should be brushing and hopper rises, hanging in prison double insurance hook, wind up its power and lock power door.
Through your daily inspection of concrete mixer, this can be more safe and efficient use of concrete mixer, and improve efficiency in the work for you!