How to Clean Freash and Wet Cement

2013-01-28 10:32:32

Cleaning Away Fresh, Wet Cement

Ⅰ What you need:
*Water (a hose is helpful)
*Crushed rock or hydro rock (3/4” is recommended)
*Pressure washer (optional)
Ⅱ Steps to Clean Wet Cement:
1. Once a cement mixer is properly cleaned, it is easy to maintain. The key is to clean it promptly after each use.
2. Use a hose to fill the concrete mixer with 3-4 gallons of water.
3. Add in a couple shovels full of crushed rock.
4. Turn the concrete mixer on and allow it to spin.
5. The gravel will move with the water and scrape the cement off of the sides.
6. Tilt the machine to clean all the way to the edges.
7. Once the cement has been removed, drain the water and gravel.
8. If the concrete  mixer is used frequently, it may be helpful to build a small “cleaning station.”
Fill an area larger than your mixer with at least a half a foot of gravel with crushed rock on top. When you are finished cleaning, simply drain the cement mixer right onto the same area. The cement water will drain to the bottom, while the rock stays clean on top. Simply scoop from the area each time. This provides an easy area for cleaning as well as allows you to reuse the crushed rock.
9. Use a hose or pressure washer to remove any remaining residue from the interior and exterior of the machine.
10. Dry the machine prior to storing.